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Jessica Brost
11 years ago

As with many girls, Jonathan was my first real crush and was the one to really begin my romantic journey. He was also an incredibly gifted actor, and it was bewildering to me that his career did not continue to flourish. It is not surprising that, like so many creative and talented people, Jonathan was hard on himself, but it is tragic that he felt so low and saw no other alternative but to end his life. My heart goes out to his family, and I am distraught at the idea that he was alone with his pain. Please, if you know anyone in a similar situation, DO NOT FAIL TO ACT! Don't deprive the world of another beautiful soul like Jonathan's.

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11 years ago

Jon rest in peace:)you will always stay in my heart.You was the perfect actor good looking cute and loveable:)I made our dreams come true.I swam with the dolphin:)i want to go to yancover sailing down the pacific like you did in the movie Two came back...I am having all your movies pictures:)I love you always and fever

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11 years ago

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12 years ago

You were the best actor on the whole world for me. I was so sad when I found out what happened. I never met you and I'm sad about that too. After I found out what happened I was depressed for a week. I was thinking about a suicide myself too, but It's easy to say, and when I was on the roof I just couldn't prepare myself to jump. In anyway... I WILL MISS YOU FOREVER AND I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU!

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Brenda Caraway
12 years ago

I saw a movie the other day and you where in it. You said help me. My heart sank I wish you could have done that before you did what you did. My heart cries for you. I watched you grow up on tv and now I can't see you anymore. I can only hope I will see you in heaven. I just wish you knew how much you where loved and are loved by so many people. Many like me who you never would have meet. But loved you still. I am not angry at you for what you did I just wish I could have stopped you or wish one of your friends could have stopped you. I know they do to. I love you and cya in heave Jonathan. Brenda

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12 years ago

neverending story 2 started my first real crush even though i was soooo

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12 years ago

oh how i miss you. i know part of you lived on and maybe one day i will be able to accept her. but i still hurt. your father showed me her pictures. she reminds me of you. i still don't understand why you had to do what you did but i forgive you.

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12 years ago

the reason i asked is because jon aksed me to ask you, also he is ok and he is also very sorry for what he did,especially to you guys, he`s not in pain anymore, but he is still hard on himself a lot.sometimes i can`t talk to him, i even asked why he hung himself, but he gets mad and walks away from me.i don`t know why i am able to contact with him much less see him, but he`s not the first ghost i`ve had in my life.he does seem very loving and protective over you and his dad, he did not want me telling all this, but i felt i had to let you know, mary, that your son jon is ok, and he`s happy.He wants to know if he is a father to the girl you were talking about.

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

a small remembrance of Jonathan.

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12 years ago

I grew up with Jonathan in Reseda, CA. We use to ride bikes and skateboards together in the condo complex we lived on off of Tampa Ave. One day he came home and told me he just filmed or auditioned for a commercial for "Mad Balls". thought he was the luckiest kid back then..

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12 years ago

I had the biggest crush on Jonathan when I was younger. Those amazing blue eyes and smile of his couldn't be beat. He was a wonderful actor and seemed like a really nice guy. It is soo sad to know that he was in so much pain. I wish he had gotten the help he needed.A lot of people cared about him including me. I hope that he has found peace now and may God bless him, his family, friends and fans. We will never forget you Jonathan. You will always be in our hearts. <3

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Megan Jade
13 years ago

Jonathan Brandis had my heart when I first set eyes on him in "Ladybugs" . He was a very talented youngman and I am very sad and disappointed in how his life has ended. What is weird about it is my husband looks a lot like him and his birthday is November 12. Maybe they were siamese twins.. Anyhow he will be greatly missed! God loves u and Jonathan is in heaven now. May he rest with the angels:)

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13 years ago

I miss you so much, when watching 'seaquest SDV i really miss him ! GOD BLESS U SO MUCH!! OH, god take his kind soul to your kingdom! Good day for everyone!

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13 years ago

I wonder why he committed suicide? why? although, for any reason-any.. why to suicide? that's the foolish thing and the most immortal thing 'man' can think and do! So, don't ever try to get out of yourself, but try to get out of the particular problem! I am a kid of 14yrs old! And i know how it is to be a human.. Its on 2011 i get to know Jonathan Brandis by the drama SeaQuest, oh he was great.. and o got too shocked when seeing that he is dead from the was awful.. But plz this is for the people who read my text; "never ever try to kill your self, if you have a problem then stick with! ask god for wisdom,then nothing would go wrong..never ever get out of yourself! but get out of the problem!, life is precious than we think-my question is what life' no one knows it no one! but iam finding-and i will forever" Anyhow, i love Jonathan Brandis very much, he's hair like the sandy beach, hes eyes like the blue sea... god blez his soul 4ever!! thank you..

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13 years ago

How heart breaking. I am onlu one year older then he was. I watched him on sea quest and loved the show and never woulod miss one. I have to say my heart sunk when I saw he died. I was a star crazzed girl them. as I go older I made sure I got the sea Quest DVds, because i just love the role he played and the show in general. it is always heart breaking when one of the one people you never met , for no reason at all to affect you. willI am sad to just know now and I know his family and friends still think of him daily.

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13 years ago

When I thought all hope was lost, I found this:

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just me
13 years ago

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just me
13 years ago

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just me
13 years ago

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just me
13 years ago

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just me
13 years ago

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just me
13 years ago

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just me
13 years ago

And I'm shocked to know, even with the internet-how much of the real story isn't even out to this day. So much of the final news story isn't correct. I guess some things have to be private forever. Thank you everyone for your kind words. I miss him too, and love him forever. I hope you guys are doing okay...for those who are just now finding out...I promise it gets better but it will always be there.

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13 years ago

Are u really his friend? I wonder why he died! I bet u know it, but its a secret-OK then don't say it! How, old r u? /I guess u got to be so lucky to be a friend of Jonathan Brandis! I miss him... take care!!

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11 years ago

I read your comments and you mentioned that even the internet that not much of the real story isn't out. I wish I knew the real story. I knew of his since Sept.2004 and I was shocked to read that on his then old fan club. I used a member on it. I miss Jonathan's acting ability and talent. How did you meet Jonathan? How long did you know him? Nice to know someone here knew him. Take care. ->Rip,JB :(

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11 years ago

I made some mistakes typing; I meant to say,that the real story isn't out. I always did think,there was more to what happened from the start. Jonathan,will always be remembered for his personality and talent he left us. I hope his spirit is happier now and forever.

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13 years ago

Jonathan you will not be ever forgotten and I wish you peace.

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13 years ago

hi, this is Dany from Germany. Two days ago, I decided to look in the Internet for how my Icons from the 90´s are doing today. So I searched for the Cosby Kids, for the Roseanne Kids, and so on... Suddenly I read something about Jonathan Brandis and killing himself. I could not believe my eyes. Tears ran down my face, as I had to read what he did to himself, and that all this tragedy happend almost 7 years ago. God, how could I have missed this News back then??? I didn´t love him, but the very first time I saw his face on Tv 1995 I felt as if this distance between him and me was never ment to be. As if his soul and mine were ment to be closer, instead of so far that, under normal cuircumstances we would have never ever met each other, and I can´t describe how this lightning strike by seeing his face felt or happened. I saw those eyes on the screen when I was 17 years old, and I saw a soulmate. There was a kind of connection I never could explain. And in the last 7 years I did not know he already wasn´t alive anymore, there was no week passing by, I didn´t think of him. I always lived in the knowledge that somewhere somehow he would be there. And in hard times, I looked at a small picture of him in my pocket which I carried with me since 1995, and everything got better. Two days ago, as I read about his death, my world came tombelin down. Time stopped. This living guardian angel ( he was to me) wasn´t alive anymore!! How could I have missed this tragedy in 2003 ???? Until today I can´t even discribe how I feel. My dreams are filled with his face every night.I´m not a sentimental woman, but it feels as if my heart has been ripped apart. So what now??? How can I go on??? I hope there will come a day I can accept his disappereance from this world... But til now there is no thinking of getting used to the thought of letting him go forever. What happened to his family? Does anybody know??? I must stop writing now. With him I lost something bigger than I will ever get to know in my whole life. I wish you all the best, and if you find one, never loose your soulmate. There´s no going on anymore after that. Wish you all the best. Thanx for reading. Good-bye.Dany.

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13 years ago

my own memorys of jonathan here in australia i only watch 47 maybe 48 eps of sea quest backin 2004? it must have repeats before that i have seen jonathan in never ending story 2 but i forget this movie i did not watch or hear that jonathan did other movies as time went by i start to forget about jonathan and till 2008 i see a few tribute videos of jonathan on the internet with no new information on why/how jonathan hung himself on 12 novomber 2003 i only find out in 2008 5 years after jonathan died i still did not watch any of his movie he did after sea quest though i forget jonathan 2011 something happen to me? about 3 weeks i get nightmares about jonathan age 35 and god saying to me that jonathan fake his death back in 2003? now i can try to find out more about jonathan from tribute pages on the interent find a few movies jonathan is in somewhere on youtube i made myself a jonathan tribute fan page for all new jonathan fans

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Katherine Hwang
13 years ago

When I was in the secondary school, I was start to know Jonathan when I watch the sea Quest DSV, he is such a really beautiful and handsome and cute guy that I will never forget, I am really love to watch his acting, he is doing really well and I believe he is a really good actor and also he is really talent, I have a lots of friend who is also love Jonathan as well and sometimes when I going to school, we all talk about Jonathan together and have a joke and laugh and fun together, what a really sweet memory. I love watch " Lady'sbug" and " SideKick ", these are really lovely and funny moive to see Jonathan acting and I am so happy that I can see him acting again many years ago. Unfortunately, he is passaway after 7 years I was start to know now when I am come back again, I am feel really compassion and also really regrate, it is really sad and I am feel REALLY SHOCK that he is feel pain and end up take his llife! I wish him rest in peace and he is always in my heart, sea Quest DSV can give me a rerally big memory about him, I will always remember him and miss him and love and support him forever!

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13 years ago

I Loved him in Ladybugs

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Clara Tenny
13 years ago

I was a typical 14-year-old girl back in 1994 with pictures of Jonathan and others strewn across my walls. But Jonathan was my main celebrity crush. He was four years older than me, but what was for years? I outgrew my celebrity crushes as time went on, but I always had a place in my heart for Jonathan. Although he died in 2003, I didn't learn about it until around 2006. Ironically, I had been diagnosed as bipolar in 2003 and had endured several suicide attempts afterwards. Some of them caused hospitalizations, others didn't. But it struck me as eery how the celebrity I obsessed over when I was a teen died in much the same way I might have. I do know the pain he must've suffered. It isn't always easy to communicate. I pray his soul is resting in peace. You're missed, Jonathan. I mourn for all you might have been had you lived.

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13 years ago

Thankyou, i would be glad to be your friend and to all jonathan's other fans too. We will see him someday and have a big party. Write me at joseph D. 1006 richmond road williamsburg va.23185,or I went to celebrate jonathn's 7th year anniversary november 11th an d12th in los angeles at his apratment building and his parents house. I felt close to him. 7 is an important number. Hopefully will be a special year for us and jonathan,

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13 years ago

Even tho i never met him i can not get over this. I only learned about his suicide 2 years ago and i can not stop thinking about him. :( I saw him in Ladybugs and Sidekicks when i was 13 and he became my celebrity crush. Now as an adult i am looking back at his old movies like IT and i just think wow, he was such a good actor. To play little Bill in that movie with a stutter and to do it so well at such a young age. I watched a clip of him on Regis and Katy Lee where he kissed a fan on the cheek in the audience. He was such a good guy.. Like i said i don't know him but i keep asking him why? Why would he do this? He had so many things to look forward to in life. A wife, kids, grandkids, his family, friends, and more acting/directing/producing. Jonathan wherever you are, you will always be in our hearts. :( I miss you.

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

the day i first saw jon, i knew in my heart i would love him forever. and i miss him more than he could ever know. i feel like my soulmate has been taken from me.

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13 years ago

I first saw Jonathan in Neverending Story ..later followed his career with Lady Bugs and Side Kicks. Being the teenager I was, I swore I would marry him one day! Amazingly I only discovered of his passing yesterday, 7 years after his death. (2002 was a crazy year, I had just graduated from college, married, and our first child was born in November of 2003, 2 weeks after his death). I looked him up yesterday and I am grieving. I do wished that he could've lived because all this time, I expected him to be alive, with a beautiful wife and children. I wanted to see him the Happy and Content Man that he should've been.

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13 years ago

dear emily,it was nice you mentioned you met his grandmother.her name was mary ellen brandis. she went to a presbyterian church at clinton and lived to be 80 something. Her husband ,fay, owned a lodge at long lake new york. Jonathan went waterskiing there a lot.

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joseph j
13 years ago

Im sure it was jonathan ,in january 2006. I had prayed for his spiritual peace earlier that day and then later rthat day ,a white orb of light appeared for a second on the ceiling. Im sure it was him.

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13 years ago

i decidd to come on a spiritual pilgramage to jonathan's 650 detroit street on the very night and hour on november 2010,seven years later. Coincidence,i found seven step designs on the ceiling of his hall way apartment building. I decided next to walk to cedars sinai hospital tht night and sleep near by. Next day i walked all the way to reseda and got there to his ashes where they are kept right at 2:45 p.m. coincidentally.

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13 years ago

hmmmm.... you find your answers here:

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14 years ago

His poster still hangs on my wall in my childhood bedroom. I still miss him. I want him to know that I know what it is like. I am on accutane and I understand. Unless you have takne the drug you cannot possibly understand. RIP JB

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14 years ago

I grew up in the village of Clinton , In upstate new york. His grandparents lived in the same town. I met his grandmother a grocery store I had [posters of him all over my wall. Seen most of this movies in hopes that one day he would visit his grandparents and i would get to meet him finally. Unfortunately i moved away and i nevere got the chance. God be with you Jonathan. I am sorry i never got a hance to meet you. . You are always in my thoughts. I love you

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14 years ago

I grew up watching Jonathan's movies and used to watch Seaquest every week. He was such a talented actor and while I never got the chance to know him or meet him, you could tell he was a great guy. He looked like the kind of person you'd want to know, I think that's what made him so relateable to young fans like myself. I wish he could have known just how much people did care about him. I know we all miss him and it's still hard to believe he's gone. My deepest condolences to his family and friends. Please visit my website in tribute to Jon:

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14 years ago

Like Alison, I had pictures on my wall & a sticker on my door. I was sad & shocked to learn he had past away... and by taking his own life - my heart was hurting & goes out to his family & Friends. Never gone, sweetheart. Love.

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14 years ago

it's funny after all the years people still think about him, loved him in the movie IT totally awesome movie, RIP sunshine.

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I had posters of Jonathan all over my wall when I was a teenager. I also have his autograph. All of a sudden I starting thinking about him this week. I miss seeing his beautiful eyes and wonderful smile that made me melt.

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14 years ago

I just found out you died Jonathan and I am heart broken... You were a great actor!!

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15 years ago

I Have seen seaquest and never ending story over and over again. i have loved those beatiful eyes and his hypnothizing smile. i so sad to know he died.its like my heart died with him. his my ultimate crush

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R Andom
15 years ago

Jonathan is missed by all who saw any of his wrok, thank you for those moments Jonathan. God bless. Rest In Peace

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15 years ago

I met him when I was a girl; he was soooo sweet to a little girl with a huge crush...

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